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    Sandalwood – Natural Solid Perfume


    While sandalwood comes from a  tree, it’s not necessarily what you would think of as a “woodsy” scent. Sandalwood has its own distinct fragrance profile that is exotic, sweet, creamy, smooth, and warm. Once you smell sandalwood once, you’ll instantly recognize it for its unique fragrance. This perfume has an appealing and versatile scent.

    9 in stock

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    While sandalwood comes from a  tree, it’s not necessarily what you would think of as a “woodsy” scent. Sandalwood has its own distinct fragrance profile that is exotic, sweet, creamy, smooth, and warm. Once you smell sandalwood once, you’ll instantly recognize it for its unique fragrance. This perfume has an appealing and versatile scent.


    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum.

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